I just bought this model from Signal Dynamics. It's supposed to rain the next few days so maybe I will get a chance to install it and see how good it works. Any type of light modulator that improves visibility on rear of bike is a great idea. (My Opinion)
So I saw this on Ebay, but no real website for it, and I've seen harleys in my area with this sort of feature, but anyone else know about them? How well do they work, etc etc?
eBay Motors: REAR ALERT BRAKE LIGHT DE-ACCELERATION FLASHER BLINKER (item 300203349358 end time Mar-07-08 19:03:19 PST)
This is what I just installed.
eBay Motors: FREE SHIP LED SPINNER HARLEY Road King Glide FLH FLHPI (item 230228550978 end time Mar-05-08 18:54:46 PST)
Very easy just take out the 1157 bulb and replace the new 1 I had to trim the taillight cover bulb hole a tad with my knife to get it to slide in but only took a second.
For anyone in Indiana, I found out today at my rider training course that this type of light is not legal in Indiana.
Any info. on why and what if your passing thru???