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Rear Brake is driven me crazy

If you somehow got DOT 3 or 4 or 5.1 mixed with the DOT 5 it would explain the sludge. you need to replace the line also and now rebuild the master and caliper again to be sure it is clean and pure DOT 5.
Glad to here that you are sorted thanks for letting us know

This might sound like a stupid question, but... I also have a 91 Electra Glide and having issue with the rear brake. Feels like it has air in the line. Been looking at the manual, but it is not very specific. Have the bike up on a jack and just can't seem to locate where the reservoir for the rear brake is. Could someone give me a hint? Thanks, Cliff
Follow the brake pedal back to the master cylinder and you will see a hose that feeds the master cylinder coming out from the resoviour where you add the brake fulid.
This might sound like a stupid question, but... I also have a 91 Electra Glide and having issue with the rear brake. Feels like it has air in the line. Been looking at the manual, but it is not very specific. Have the bike up on a jack and just can't seem to locate where the reservoir for the rear brake is. Could someone give me a hint? Thanks, Cliff

It's under your left side cover