Experienced Member
This post is very timely for me because I just installed the rear turn signal conversion kit which makes the rear turn signals operate not only as signals but running lights and brake lights as well. After I installed the kit I tested the system, when the front brake was applied the turn signals and brake light glowed with increased intensity, when applying the back brake nothing happened, the rear light and the signal lights functioned as running lights but no increase in brightness to indicate the brake had been applied. Rode down to MBHD and bought a new switch $19.95, DOT4, $7.95 and plan on replacing the switch this weekend. Read up on how to test the switch via Hooples post from Dec., so I will do that prior to replacement...just to be sure.
I am wondering how much fluid will be lost when replacing the switch and when bleeding the system do you just continue to pump the brake until no more bubbles are seen in the bleeder discharge...and are their any tricks I should know about or any tips that may help the process along...thanks!
I am wondering how much fluid will be lost when replacing the switch and when bleeding the system do you just continue to pump the brake until no more bubbles are seen in the bleeder discharge...and are their any tricks I should know about or any tips that may help the process along...thanks!