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Rear Brake Problem on 09 FLHR

I have babied this thing from the first mile. No hard braking. What I find interesting is that I rode it 10 miles to work and parked it. No brake noise. Then I fire it up to come home and it's squealing to high heaven. Weird. I estimate that I'll be taking it in for its 1000 mile service within two weeks. I'll squawk about it then and see what they say.

My rear brake made noise as soon as I got the bike & the only way I got rid of the noise was to replace the pads , I used HD pads & it come with a paste that you put on the back of the pad . It seems to work the noise is gone & the bike stops fine .
Have you ever been at the fair or on a farm and had a hog go running by and you tried to grab it to make it stop?...Guess what? squeals!!!!'re riding your bike(a hog) and you want to stop it, grab it(the brake lever) and guess what? squeals!!!...It's normal(ha ha)...couldn't resist...anyway, ride started making brake noise(I have braked hard several times)..they were getting quite worn so I decided to purchase the kevlar type pads and couldn't be more satisfied.
Well, I'm really scratching my head now. I didn't ride the bike much yesterday but the brake squeal was still there. Today we went for a 100+/- mile ride and the squeal was gone. Beats me.

Well, I'm really scratching my head now. I didn't ride the bike much yesterday but the brake squeal was still there. Today we went for a 100+/- mile ride and the squeal was gone. Beats me.


Mine comes and goes also spray the rotors with brakecleen and it goes away also for awhile
I have a new 2009 FXST and the brakes haven't been that great from new even though I have been easy on them. I guessing HD are using a hard compond which at best can take a while to bed in not to mention a possible squeal. I have some new rotors, pads and calipers going on shortly I will post the outcome on the difference.
Let me know how it goes. I had the bags off yesterday while installing the docking point for a backrest. I took a visual of the rear brake assembly and all looked okay. I did wipe the rotor with a dry clean cloth and then felt for ridges, etc. Maybe that is why the squeal stopped.
