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Rear Cylinder Plug Fouling

The noun for the part that was in backwards is "jet needle" in the HD manual. It is just a hollow tube spacer that is an extension of the tube the main jet screws in to and you're right, the jet needle goes through this part/or, the main jet, as your saying. I'm just calling the part that was in backwards what it is labeled as in the manual, since I don't know what else to call it. It is called the "needle jet" and the part adjustable through the carb top is labeled "jet needle".
The noun for the part that was in backwards is "jet needle" in the HD manual. It is just a hollow tube spacer that is an extension of the tube the main jet screws in to and you're right, the jet needle goes through this part/or, the main jet, as your saying. I'm just calling the part that was in backwards what it is labeled as in the manual, since I don't know what else to call it. It is called the "needle jet" and the part adjustable through the carb top is labeled "jet needle".

Needle jet, jetway/race/space, for the needle.
Well, just when I thought I had my problems worked out, after riding the bike for a bit, it started missing again. Pulled the plugs and they were fouled. Changed the plugs, tried adjusting the mixture needle lean and it made no difference. I downsized the main jet and ran it, same thing, fouled plugs. I ordered another carb off Ebay and it came in Sat. I put it on and the bike cranked right up, running lean, and after some rejetting and tweaking I was able to finally ride the bike around this afternoon. I still don't know what the deal is with the other carb, but it is now a shelf decoration. Later!
May I ask a few question?
You said it did it from the you day you brought it home. Did you buy it new or had someone else worked on it? I only ask because these are the kind of details that can help in trouable shooting other Carb problems. A lot of what we learn is by other riders trials.
I also have a carbed FB a 96 so I try to take in all I can about them.

Bike was used. Had original carb. I don't think it had been worked on much, just run and put away, pretty much neglected. Bike had less than 10,000miles on it when I got it. Probably one of the reasons it was sold to a local pawn shop.

Take a look into the throat of the carb with the motor running and see if you can see fuel dribbling out from around the jet needle where it goes into the bottom of the needle jet.

Found this to be a problem on one of the last checks and swapped the needle jet around correctly. Did not correct the problem with the plugs fouling though. Thanks.
Yes. I hated giving up on the other one, but I got tired of pulling it off and putting it back on and jetting and rejetting and on and on. The Ebay carb was only $85. I've got a mess of sparkplugs on hand now, all fouled out. I rode all afternoon yesterday and made a couple of more adjustments. It's nice to have the bike running finally.