Block Head 96
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The touring bikes are different, you have the choice to engage and disengage yourself. I believe it should be in your owners manual as the how to.
I actually got mine to shut off the rear today in traffic. A longer than normal red light, while sitting there, the Head Temp Sensor finally kicked in, injector shut down, bike shook a little more than normal, hit the throttle, injector kicks in. I can see where this may help with minimal fuel savings. When the injector shuts down, the rear jug acts like a air pump and cools the rear jug down.
I actually got mine to shut off the rear today in traffic. A longer than normal red light, while sitting there, the Head Temp Sensor finally kicked in, injector shut down, bike shook a little more than normal, hit the throttle, injector kicks in. I can see where this may help with minimal fuel savings. When the injector shuts down, the rear jug acts like a air pump and cools the rear jug down.