well, out of three softails i looked under today, the adjuster plates all faced the rear. maybe people swap ends to make it easier to get to?
i got the bike used, and its a custom bike, other than engine/primary/trans not much else HD on it, few accesories and such.
there is no adjustment to the front end of the shocks. I will have to put it up on the lift and try to get pics. but it looks just like the diagram in that third link, except my shocks have a rodend/heim joint on each end. it looks like those have one end being a stud mount. and the plates face the rear.
so, you are teling me i am not merely unscrewing the adjuster plate out of the shock body? because it sure looks like i am. shame there is not an exploded diagram of the shocks in the manual. never in my life have i had this kind of problem with a simple shock
thanks, brian