How does one determine the correct psi to inflate their tires?
1st Inflate your tire to factory recommendations.
2nd Thoroughly warm them up (about a 1 hr. ride)
3rd ck. the heated tire pressure, it should be
between 4 to 6 lbs. above installed pressure.
If it is higher than 4 to 6 started with too low a pressure.
Adjust accordingly.
If it is lower than 4 to 6 started with too high of a pressure.
Adjust accordingly.
So through a little trial & error, you will arrive at the proper tire Inflation
for your application. Which will give you,
A-Better performance
B-Longer Tire Life
C-Better fuel mileage
Tire Inflation pressure should be checked at regular intervals
and in the morning at the temperature at which it will be driven.
Every 2 weeks, or more often when temperatures are making
large swings like in the seasonal changes.
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ! :bigsmiley11: