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Red Craftsman Motorcycle Jack (Help)

Breeze3at, do you always tie your MC down using the tiedowns on the 'red' mc jack?? just wondering? thankx


Bill; I have to admit that I have only strapped my Electra Glide to the red jack when I was changing the rear tire. I don't know why I have such a foolish sense of security with the lift. I just recently started using the lock bar.
If this thread isn't a wake up notice for me I'll have no one to blame, when it fails. Right now it's only a few inches off the ground and the lock IS set.
Bill; I have to admit that I have only strapped my Electra Glide to the red jack when I was changing the rear tire. I don't know why I have such a foolish sense of security with the lift. I just recently started using the lock bar.
If this thread isn't a wake up notice for me I'll have no one to blame, when it fails. Right now it's only a few inches off the ground and the lock IS set.
Thanks for the response. I have the 'red' jack - but it just doesn't seem to fit just right. I really havent used it a lot -- just havent done much that would require a lift - but when I do use it -- I have to use boards to level things out -- do you???

Thanks for the response. I have the 'red' jack - but it just doesn't seem to fit just right. I really havent used it a lot -- just havent done much that would require a lift - but when I do use it -- I have to use boards to level things out -- do you???


Bill; Nothing required to level it. My frame is different than your Heritage with the shocks underneath. My E.G. has a nice piece of channel crossbrace towards the rear that one of the jack rails slides into (it chews the rubber pad up some). My bike is just slightly front heavy when lifting. If the bike is in the garage, it's usually on the lift. Since this thread started, I realize I need to take more precautions with the whole jack thing. Precautions = free, repairing fall off lift damage = OUCH. :bigsmiley15:
Got a photo of the red jack in action. At least I have the strap laying on the bike. I always lock mine though. 5 years never a problem, I must have got a Tuesday jack.


  • strap.jpg
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I've had the Craftsman red jack for 5 years and use it frequently. No problems and no complaints. I guess it's like anything else - some people get lucky and get a good one and some don't.
Bill; Nothing required to level it. My frame is different than your Heritage with the shocks underneath. My E.G. has a nice piece of channel crossbrace towards the rear that one of the jack rails slides into (it chews the rubber pad up some). My bike is just slightly front heavy when lifting. If the bike is in the garage, it's usually on the lift. Since this thread started, I realize I need to take more precautions with the whole jack thing. Precautions = free, repairing fall off lift damage = OUCH. :bigsmiley15:

thanks Breeze - I guess I just need a lot more experience to TRUST the jack - then I will use it more and more.

Got a photo of the red jack in action. At least I have the strap laying on the bike. I always lock mine though. 5 years never a problem, I must have got a Tuesday jack.

haha - now that got me laughing here - yepper, the tiedowns are indeed there laying over the seat area - not tied to anything -- BUT they are there!! :p:p:newsmile100: Thanks for the info and the laugh.

I've had the Craftsman red jack for 5 years and use it frequently. No problems and no complaints. I guess it's like anything else - some people get lucky and get a good one and some don't.

I have never had any problems -- just dont use it a lot - that trust thing again I believe. Thanks for your info too.

I bought the yellow aluminum lift at sears, i checked the reviews before i bought it, and they wee horrible for the red one. It seems like alot of people had the same issues. The yellow had 4 out of 5 stars, and i waited till it went on sale for $150. I then typed in sears online coupons in my search engine, and found a $10 of coupon.
If you buy anything from sears, get it online, and pick it up at your closet store, you can save up to 20%
I did the exact same thing you did spriklerfitter and I am very satisfied withy the yellow one. The red one had some bad reviews so i returned it to exchange for the yellow one. If my memory serves me correctly the yellow one drops down lower than the red one.
I did the exact same thing you did spriklerfitter and I am very satisfied withy the yellow one. The red one had some bad reviews so i returned it to exchange for the yellow one. If my memory serves me correctly the yellow one drops down lower than the red one.

Do you know where the yellow lift is made? My red one says "hencho in China". :(