On a favorite auction site, a dealer is offering 5 qt's of 20W50 motorcycle syn oil, 1 qt of syn trans lube with shockproof, 1qt of syn primary oil with shockproof, injector cleaner, chrome filter, and all gaskets and 0-rings for your model, a harley unique funnel, some stickers to put all over your stead, and a trucker hat. All this for 108 bucks, free shipping.
I dont know about you, but at that price, not having to search for all the parts, delivered to your house for free, sounds good to me. I'm thinkin' good time to give redline a try.
I dont know about you, but at that price, not having to search for all the parts, delivered to your house for free, sounds good to me. I'm thinkin' good time to give redline a try.