I think that I am going to go with the Spectro 6 speed transmission oil, Spectro Primary oil, and M1 20W50 engine oil. The original owner of the bike switched to Syn 3 at 1000 miles and I purchased the bike with 6400 miles on it. I have now have about 7500 miles and I thought that I would go ahead and change all of the fluids. If I am going to notice a difference with the Spectro in the transmission, will it be noticeable right away or will it take a while? Thanks.
It will be noticeable as soon as you get that Venezuelan stuff out and right as you pour it out of the bottle and into the funnel. Beautiful cherry red color like Big Red soda only thicker like pancake syrup.
As soon as you start running around on the bike and the gear lube gets around to all the metal surfaces that are in contact with each other, it will be an even more obvious difference!! That won't take more than a mile or so down the road if that. After the next change or two it will be even better.