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Reflective Vest..

I have a HD black reflective vest in the bike. I use it when I'm on the long road trips for I ride a lot at night. At night these vests really light up and I also have the reflective tape on the back of the bike.

During the day, I just watch out the best I can. I agree with many posts here that if it makes you warm and fuzzy, then wear it. It's ok and many won't blame ya at all. It's a rough world out there and we all want to ride another day! :D
Ugly John
I have seen more people wearing the reflective vests, but like others in the forum, I doubt that it will help much. It used to be that road crews wore those vests alone. Then, they wore the vests and there were big signs warning "men working". Now they do all of the previous and they have flashing generator powered signs pleading to "give our workers a brake"...So, the vests apparently do little to grab the attention of otherwise preoccupied drivers...
Back in the 80's when I came back from over sea's the military started making you wear them when riding on post. Never seen any data to show that it helped or not. I don't wear one but I figure if your comfortable with it and it helps just once you've gained. I won't cross the street with the bike unless I put a helmet on, don't expect everyone to but figure it can't hurt. I've been an EMT for a lot of years and have seen plently of times were it helped. and even with all the huppola about helmets possibly causing neck and back injuries in an accident I've yet been to a call were a helmet killed someone!
Won't ever poke fun at someone who decides to add a piece of safety equipment, but I also agree that its personal choice.
If it makes you feel better, go ahead. But and this is a big BUT!, don't let it give you a false sense of security. Keep your guard up at all times.

Last week my neighbor and I were out for a ride. Early afternoon, bright sun, clear dry straight semi rural road, 45 mph speed limit. We came upon an accident, some dope in a VW sedan drifted into the oncoming lane and hit a very large van body truck. The VW ended up under the front of the truck buried up to the windshield.

If the zombie couldn't see that truck, all the vests, flashing lights etc in the world won't help.
Do think they would see someone on this?????:D
Doubt you could find a vest small enough for her.