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Registering my Imported HD in Japan

Well, no help in Taiwan, my guy there only knows 2 others who have Harleys, but they
bought them at the local dealer.

Funny, he did mention without me asking that emissions certification would be very expensive.

So, I still think the dealer + interpreter is the way to go.

Btw, are you planning to leave the bike in Japan ?
If not, maybe you could use a CARNET to have the bike on the road without
registering it in Japan.
IMO you did the right thing - charging USD 1500 would for me be within reason but the sudden added 3500 for emissions papers is gouging. As I know them, the Japanese are honest people, but this sounds like someone saw an opportunity...

You really need to get an interpreter to get this sorted. While I was in Korea working for a Co, we had a local driver and a secretary who we used for all red tape stuff, registrations, getting local drivers licence, etc. It's very hard managing wihtout one given the very limited English skills there (very similar situation in Japan and Korea).

You could try the local University - those studying English and wanting to practise their skills...

Good luck with it, and let us know how it goes.
Looks like things have turned for the better. The local shop I was working with (2nd try) came by the house and asked to see the MFG date on the R/H fornt down tube on the frame. Turns out if the bike was manufactured before March of 2001, the emissions and brakes are not an issue, and registration will be the least expensive. The bike is 10 years old and the sticker suffered wear and tear. called my bussy who owns HD in Salinas, california and they will send my VIN number to Milwaukie and HD Milwaukie will send me an official birth certificate. The bike was originally a "Demo" and I'm told that the dealers have to keep them for a minimum of 8 months before they can sell to the public. I bought it in August of I'm on the road to happiness.
Cool, Dave. I'm glad it looks to be sorted.

Stick around - this is a place with plenty of experienced people willing to help.

BTW, I'm heading for Japan & Korea next week, but unfortunately only time for a short stay in Tokyo... Hope to be able to sneak out of my meeting long enough to find a HD dealer for a T-shirt.
All ok?
I was in Tokyo when the earth quake hit, but there it was more of an eerie feeling than any real danger (exept those unfortunate people inside a hall that collapsed).

If Dave stayed in Nagoya, I'm sure he's ok as it is located south-west of Tokyo further away from the northern areas that were really hard hit.
Both Tokyo and Nagoya are protected from the open sea sitting inside bays.