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Removing broken fork pinch bolt

Yes. Very lucky! Watching what is going on in other parts of Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast, I can't help but think "there but for the Grace of God, go I"!!!

Send prayers or other positive thoughts!



TQ, my sister-in-law lives in Houston, and she too is very lucky...(as of a couple of days ago) they have not had any issues other than her power was off for just a few minutes. That may be different today though, stay safe & I'm sending prayers and positive thoughts to all. I know many were not so lucky. Not sure of the status of the one niece's house, she and her husband & new baby evacuated to a shelter due to flooding concerns and are staying with her sister & her husband. ;)
Like Brian said, start small, and slow. The better/straighter your pilot hole is, the better your chance of getting a good bite. I never put a lot of pressure on EZ outs. If one doesn't work, I drill to the next size EZ out and try. This might be a good time to try the "melt wax into a frozen bolt" trick that has been circulating the www. A birthday cake candle should fit. If you don't want to try that, generous application of penetrating oil on both sides may loosen. Keep us posted with your progress.
Update: I went to the back side of the triple tree where I had a flat surface on the bolt to work with. I used a punch to center the bit and used a brand new 3/16" right hand cobalt bit. As soon as the bit got in far enough to get a good bite, the bolt fragment spun right out. I put in some new grade 8 bolts and torqued to spec. The bike is back together and on the road. Thanks to all the members for their great advice! I look forward to having my ride back for the holiday weekend. Please be safe out there!