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Repeal of Michigan's helmet law... by choice now!!!!

I don't agree either. That last line was a little sarcasm.

Sorry Davidw! But which or whether - it's you right to express your opinion and it's one of the very good things about this site - that we can express contrary views or not all agree all the time, but always with respect and courtesy.

Ride safe everyone and keep the bandana-ed/helmetted/hairy part up! :D:D:D
I live and ride in Michigan. I agree that each rider should make his own choice and I choose to continue wearing my helmet.
All The Great Lakes States do not require you to wear a helmet. Michigan is now on a level playing field with our neighboring states. The law only gives us a choice. We can still wear one !
Congrats, Michigan riders! I live in a "helmet required" state but applaud the states that allow choice in this matter. A couple of points here:

Please remember, you CAN still wear your helmet if you want...NO penalty. If you don't wear a helmet...NO penalty! This is called Freedom.

Now, If you don't wear a helmet and get yourself killed, I guess the penalty is death. But, again, your choice.

If you are unfortunatley involved in an accident with or without a helmet, chances are, you're going to get hurt. So, the idea that helmet laws keep health care cost down is somewhat bogus.

I agree that most laws do, in fact, protect us all. For instance, Speed Limits. If you are speeding and it causes you to loose control, you could not only hurt yourself, but others on the road as well. I see no additional risk to other motorists if you are not wearing a helmet.

Personally, I would still wear a helmet regardless of the law. Personal choice. However, for those that choose not to, that is your choice! OK, I'll get off my soapbox now! With or without, ride safe my friends!
Throughout the last 25 yrs. I have lost 4 friends in bike accidents.ALL were wearing helmets and safety gear.Myself no lid unless I have to by law.
Woops! I thought Mich. didn't have a helmet law. Maybe my memory is bad but about 10 years ago I rode from the buckeye up Rt.23 to Ann Arbor then over to Jackson without a helmet [I think]. That's a long way to ride. So my memory is either bad or I was very lucky.
Ultradoc very lucky you were, 10 years ago Mi was definately a helmet law state.

While I whole heartedly agree with freedom of choice after all this is still the USA, what I am concerned about is how the insurance company's are gonna play this. Are my insurance cost's gonna now increase because "they" can raise them, this definately goes both sides I as a helmet wearer should not have to bear the cost of those that choose to not, of course if this were true all other cost's would not increase because of the actions of others. Tim
In Florida, you must have medical insurance to ride with no helmet. I have never seen, or heard, of it being enforced. They may ask for it if they stop you, I'm not sure.

I used to ride without a helmet. Not anymore. I want to try to protect myself, sometimes you can't. But still..

Indian Larry is a good example. A fall from a bike going less than 15 MPH, no helmet, he didn't make it. Another, the BMW dealership owner in Orlando died years back moving a bike from the back of the shop to the front. He fell doing less than 10 MPH, no helmet, same out come as Larry.
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All The Great Lakes States do not require you to wear a helmet. Michigan is now on a level playing field with our neighboring states. The law only gives us a choice. We can still wear one !

Hey Twodogs....New York is bordered by Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.....They require helmets.....They would never change it.

IDK...when I was younger & w/o family it didn't seem so important to wear helmet, but after being a EMT/FF, seeing accident results & now married w/teens...gonna use every piece of protective gear I own. Yes...anything can happen, but can't say I didn't try to keep myself as safe as humanly possible...including the most important part (head).

I worked in radiology, mostly ER and surgery. I know where my brains are located. I also know what the inside of a head looks like when it is on the outside. Ain't no way in heck I will ever get on a motorcycle without a helmet. My old head may not be beautiful but it's the only one I have.