Congrats, Michigan riders! I live in a "helmet required" state but applaud the states that allow choice in this matter. A couple of points here:
Please remember, you CAN still wear your helmet if you want...NO penalty. If you don't wear a helmet...NO penalty! This is called Freedom.
Now, If you don't wear a helmet and get yourself killed, I guess the penalty is death. But, again, your choice.
If you are unfortunatley involved in an accident with or without a helmet, chances are, you're going to get hurt. So, the idea that helmet laws keep health care cost down is somewhat bogus.
I agree that most laws do, in fact, protect us all. For instance, Speed Limits. If you are speeding and it causes you to loose control, you could not only hurt yourself, but others on the road as well. I see no additional risk to other motorists if you are not wearing a helmet.
Personally, I would still wear a helmet regardless of the law. Personal choice. However, for those that choose not to, that is your choice! OK, I'll get off my soapbox now! With or without, ride safe my friends!