So here is where I am. Thanks to all the great info on this site and a few great tips from some gurus here, I managed to get to (what I hope is the 1/2 way mark to my work).
1 - Bike sat for 7 years after being run only 7,000mi
2 - Runs if you squirt fuel into the pistons
3 - Traced no fuel delivery all the way to the tank
4 - Pulled out the fuel pump assy and:
-a- found the infamous fuel pump line already showing lots of wear & tear, where it rubs against the tank (that would have leaked in the near future)
-b- sleeve holding the fuel pump in place is (literally), disintegrading. Touching it, flakes it off instantly
-c- the inner lining in the tank looks like drops of paint remover fell in there
5 - Bought KLEEN (3 step), innner tank cleaner/reliner - will start that job tomorrow morning
6 - Bought new fuel lines, fuel filter, part manual & service manual
I'm learning a lot here, unfortunately I'm out about $250 so far but I think it's well worth it (especially the manuals...NICE!). I priced this work out there and I would have easily been out about $1,000 up to this point.
Posting this so hopefully this will help anyone out there.
And thanks to those that helped. :newsmile01: