I'm kind of like Spade5; native Texan that has no plans to ever leave. Abilene is good if you like wide-open prairie. There's a military base and universities, so you get a good variety of population. For that general area of the state, you might also want to consider Weatherford or Mineral Wells.
If you want to be around more scenic rides nearby, you might look a bit further south. The hill country area is probably one of the most beautiful areas of the state with hills, and several state parks. Lost Maples area of the hill country even gets fall color similar to the New England area. You might consider Kerrville, Llano, Marble Falls, or Fredericksburg.
If you're looking for smaller towns, look into Decatur, Granbury, Stephenville, or Glen Rose. Smaller towns, but within an hour or two of the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Of course, you can't go wrong with the Corpus Christie area. Maybe even consider one of the smaller towns around there like Port Aransas, Aransas Pass, or Rockport.