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Rev it up

We have some really cool riding areas along the Mississippi River. Some of the communities will issue tickets for excessive noise...A great case for trying to calm down a bit. The town is in Illinois...called Grafton..has some great biker bars and restaurants. Also some connection to a couple Ferry boats that take ya into Missouri...On any givin weekend you can count a 1,000 plus bikes passing through the community. Mainly the stores are antique shops and Gas station. Its gotten so bad it seem the residence don't care about the revenue the bikers bring in. What they care about is peace and quite...So its already too loud here in the Midwest...but like most of us i like the sound of a Harley but when going through small towns are down streets and small communities I really try and think if I wasn't a biker how would I like it sooo I keep my hands away from the throttle...Common courtesy is a plus! Woo! Hooo! going riding today :D
Darn, I'm gonna buck the trend, I just put on my V&H ovals and want to crack them to see if I can set off any alarms. Love the deep rumble they put out. Can barely hear my fifth gear rattling now.:bigsmiley30:

Give a guy a break, got a new toy and wanna play. lol
Rev's in Haywards Heath did Hobbit and thats no porkies.
A. Powers are available to tackle the problem of illegal noisy exhaust systems. Under the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, Regulation 54 requires that "every exhaust system and silencer must be maintained in good and efficient working order and shall not after the date of manufacture or be altered so as to increase the noise made
by the escape of exhaust gases".

Under Regulation 97 it is also an offence "to use a vehicle in such a manner as to cause any excessive noise which could have been avoided by the exercise of reasonable care by the driver".
Enforcement of these requirements is by the police and in the case of maintenance, at MOT.

They might not actually measure but the rules are there!
Decibel Reductions
1970. 86 decibel noise limit introduced for motorcycles larger than 125cc (not implemented until 1982)
1980. 77 decibel limit on Mopeds first used after 1/10/80.
1982. EEC 86 decibel noise limit implemented.
1987. EC 87/56 stage one (82 decibel) noise limit becomes Euro law. Stage 2 (80 decibels) planned for 1993.
1993. EU proposes 'Multi Directive'. Contains 80 decibel upper noise limit, anti tampering and emission limits.
1995. UK implements stage one of EU directive 87/56 and reduces maximum noise limit to 82 decibels
1997. EU Multi Directive becomes European law. Maximum noise limit set at 80 decibels. Europe wide implementation July 1999.
maybe I'm a bit paranoid here, but I'll lump myself into this "newbie" category you all insist on using. y'know, the ones that keep the feet on the ground every so often, and yeah, I'll blip the throttle every so often too at a stop light. Sometimes the noise is just pleasant to hear for a brief second. But I'm never obnoxious about it, nor rev it high. Just enough to hear a little more "purr" while I'm waiting for the light to turn.

I find it interesting you all were probably there once as well. Or rode with someone who did that, and you didn't mind it so much.

However I'll be d***ed if mommy and daddy bought me squat. I pay for my own thank you very much.

I think the point here is at some time in our lives we may actully give a flip about someone else but ourselfs. Yes, we've all cracked the whip on a bike and reved the engine to near explosion, but we also outgrow a few things that may reflect poorly on us in general. Time and place for everything. I left home at 17, on a Harley with nothing else. Today I own a fine home with pool table and fireplace, don't have a car or bike payment and I darn sure worked for what I provide my family with, but I also have enough respect for someone in a cage that just don't need to hear my loud pipes in their ear. My right to rev the engine, stops at some ol ladies right not to hear my noise.
Sorry people, but My 107ci has no baffles and I luv it. Thats part of the reason I own a harley. Now I dont scream around all the time, but I will crack the throttle now and then, just cause!:bigsmiley18: But if I'm going to work early in the morning I do have respect. I'm 45 and I still like my rock and my bike loud and I refuse to be sorry for that.
I crack the trottle at stop lights and for one reason only...So the cager behind me just may know that i am there! And this comes from a bad experience, I had a lady with 2 kids and 2 dogs running around her "soccer" mom van. I was first at the light and she was behind me, the light for the LEFT turn signal (we were going straight) turned green and yup she slammed the pedal and ran right up my rear end! Her head was way up her you know what. She got out and said I did not see You'!!!!!!! Are you frigin kidding me? That week I went and had my stock pipes changed.
I do believe loud pipes just may save a life, in the right circumstances...
WOW - so my HD would fail even in stock form as its limits are 88/96db as stamped on the frame, and 82 DB is quieter than my lawn mower and my wifes Hairdyer, its little wonder we are not seen let alone heard, and little wonder certain places do not bother, i am going to continue to go to my MOT station as they are noisy pipe friendly and small plate friendly, in other words they know that as soon as i get home the legal stuff is coming back off:cheers
And ain't that the truth. All the legal crap that has nothing to do with safety, or nuisance is being rammed tru our throats and thus creating another source of revenue.
Politicians need to be seen to do something and what's easier than attack a small group of people who probably crave freedom a bit more than others?
It's good for public perception and the mass populus don't care because they didn't like the fact that whilst they are stuck in a jam we are getting somewhere anyway.:eam
...Its gotten so bad it seem the residence don't care about the revenue the bikers bring in. What they care about is peace and quite...So its already too loud here in the Midwest...but like most of us i like the sound of a Harley but when going through small towns are down streets and small communities I really try and think if I wasn't a biker how would I like it sooo I keep my hands away from the throttle...Common courtesy is a plus!... :D

The epitome of a class biker.
Well said Fourdogs!

Last year I had to keep the rpms up at stop lights because the bike would try to stall. It wasn't running very well at all, we'll see what this year brings. My lowrider has straight drag pipes on it and I feel it is too loud. But I can't see spending the money on the new pipes. My friends say it isn't that loud, maybe it is just me.:dknow
Originally Posted by Goshawk
Just another way to spot newbies that cannot tune their motorcycles.
These are the same guys who always put two feet on the ground when they stop

Not me, I just sit there and balance :bigsmiley31: