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Ride or Trailer to Sturgis?

Gettin a group together to go next year and definetly ridding it wit a couple spouses following in a support truck just in case, its 1375 miles and I can't wait!
Dream #1 own a Harley: Got a 2007 XL1200C in May, only took 42 years
Dream #2 Ride to Sturgis: Next years already being planned!

Not a midlife crises, just took this long to get to the right point in my life to happen!
Wouldn't want to get rained on now would you or even worse get your bike wet.
I'm 65 yrs old and ride a "sportster from Massachusetts to Sturgis and it's not "rubber mounted". Trailer that.
Why not find a few folks that will ride with you and make a road trip. I am sure that you can hook up with a few folks on here and make the trip.
i am going for the first time this year with a couple friends and we are riding from maryland.(none of us have baggers either)
i am going for the first time this year with a couple friends and we are riding from maryland.(none of us have baggers either)
rode last year and we(me and the sweetie) are riding out this coming year agian. This time we are going a week early to see yellowstone and then coming back to Sturgis when it starts!
Check out my sturgis pictures: Harley Davidson Community great ride, we did this trip on a Night Train no problems at all.
2 days out from Central Ohio thought we made great time!