free website stats program RIDE YOUR MOTORCYCLE TO WORK day today! | Page 2 | Harley Davidson Forums


Just retired from the Navy and looking for a job. I have an interview tomorrow in Colorado Springs. If I get the job, which I expect I will at this point, the job will be about 50 miles away. I've been putting off buying another car until I found a job. So, my choice at the moment is to drive a Lincoln Navigator or the bike......hmmmmm!!!

100 miles a day at $4+/gallon.
Lincoln gets about 13-16 mpg
Harley gets about 40-45 mpg

Decisions, decisions. :p I think every day is going to be ride the bike to work day for me unless the snow stops me in the winter. Life is good!!!:D
I'm with you, but it is not for the gas mileage, just makes going into work that much better. The hard part is stopping at work and then not leaving early :)

Been raining all week, so I have been trapped in my cage, sure makes work a drab :( Hopefully it will get it out of its system this week and I'll be back next week.