I've been a diabetic for 43 years, the last 12 on an insulin pump. Have never had any problems. Been a Snow plow jockey for a highway dept for 34 years, firefighter/emt for 37 years, have 75 flight time hours in a single prop plane,and flown hot air balloons. Raced cars, and have ridden my 'baby' for countless hours at a time. It ALWAYS sticks in the back of my mind, that I am DIFFERENT than most people. I test my bg's at least 8-10 times a day being so active. As I said....it's ALWAYS in the back of your mind. Use common sense and don't over do things. PLAN your stops, test yourself, and above all....ENJOY YOURSELF. The worst thing that you can do, is to worry so much about yourself that it interferes with your ride. Proper planning is the key. After typing all this, think I'll go and find me a candy bar.....HEH HEH HEH :newsmile055: