I found some of the replies to my post interesting. There are some people here that know me so they will understand what I am going to say. I also enjoy riding, but I guess that I grew up on a different side of the tracks than most. I actually know people in my area that bought small bikes, scooters and if they live in town, bicycles to save at the pumps. Their main concern was to try and beat the hight cost of gas. Their bikes aren't meant for the long haul like some of ours are. Some of them get 60 to 70 mpg on their scoots. They enjoy riding to and from work, but their main concern was saving money. Not everybody can afford a Harley or another bike of size to just enjoy riding. I remember reading the comment, "and he actually believes that." Yep I do, because some of the people that are trying to keep their heads above water are my friends. To each his own. I've also done my share of driving at night and I also know about the vision thing and the animal thing. If that's what a person enjoys, then so be it. Have a nice weekend.