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Riding boots

cruise works, i think is the name..very,very water proof. lightweight, re-soleable
i have had mine 10 + yrs...soft leather..

I have a pair of Cruiserworks boots and they are the most comfortable boots I've owned on and off the bike. They are also waterproof and can be resoled. They are expensive but they are well made and will last for years. They can be ordered from the Cruiserworks website, Waterproof Motorcycle Boots Apparel Ladies Biker Leather Riding Comfortable Men, or from some dealers. My next favorite pair are Chippewa's.
Unfortunately, craftsmen here in the states can't work for less then minimum wage and live up to US standards.

I will buy cheaper chinese goods but expect nothing from it.

thats why plenty of brands choose to make plants in china since their labor cost is far lower than the states. if only the us govt lowered the standards, i probably would see nike "made in us", and unemployement wouldnt be that bad..

true, dont expect quality from cheap chinese goods, but i just think it's a different story when they carry famous brand such as HD, hd guys probably put lots of QC in there.

my non-us made boots r still fine..:D but still HD
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The Chippewas are good quality but breaking them in is tough!! This is day 4 and its getting better but the first couple of days, my dogs were barking :D
I use Thorogood boots made by the Weinbrenner Shoe Company , their boots and shoes are AMERICAN MADE in Wisconsin USA . Yes they do have HD motorcycle style boots . Just do a search on Thorogood boots or Weinbrenner shoe company .
I have 3 pair of riding boots. The first pair are Frank Thomas which I have had for 25 years. They have been resoled once The second pair are Red Wings with the rattle snake on the bottom and the third pair are Double H. The Red Wings are the most comfortable
I have to cast a second vote for HiTech Magnums. I wore them as service boots in EMS and they took a beating. My boots would get soaked in everything from diesel to water to blood, sometimes all at the same time, and still held up. A pair would last me for at least a year and usually more. They lace up high enough to provide ankle support and are very comfortable for long wear. By long I mean that I sometimes didn't get to take them off for 24 hours at a time. Hard to beat at around $50.00/pr. One caution about them is that when brand new the lug soles are slippery on wet surfaces. I'd always put a new pair on and scuff the soles on a rough concrete or asphalt surface for a couple of minutes. They were fine after that.

I wear Dutch Army boots, they are very strong an durable. The only problem is that they are very large so it's very difficult to shift. But the instalation of a heel shift pedal solved that problem.