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Rinehart 2 in 1....WOW!!!

A 2-1 exhaust really gives these v-twins some pep and a sweet "racy" sound. My 03 Sporty came with a 2-1 V&H Pro Pipe and it's definitely a different vibe than my 09 FLHX TD's. Fun to run too...!!
I'm sure it's too early to tell if it helped or hurt your mileage, but did the exhaust change make a difference in your bikes acceleration?
Yea, well, funny thing, the wife didn't quite see it that way. :s

Hahahahaha! Yeah, Some times they just don't. Just remember that the next time she purchases somening on sale band have a silent chuckle.
As an extra credit home work assignment, try to calculate the $$$ she spends on makeup, painty hose, new out fits and hair products. It will blow your mind.
My wife says she's low maintenance but I know better.;)