So anyway, there's not a lot that can be done with the Rinehart Slip Ons. I've looked around and can't find anyone that makes an aftermarket baffle either. The only thing is to go with a BigCityThunder baffles (which really aren't much of a baffle) in the head pipe and remove the Rinehart baffles. I have them removed right now and I think it sounds good. Taken it for a few rides and didn't notice any dead spot or low end loss of power. If I did I haven't noticed yet, but then again I'm not running 1/4 mile time trials either. And yes I can still hear the radio fine! Here is a link to a guy on youtube thats running no baffles in his Rineharts and BigCityThunder baffles in the head pipes.
YouTube - 08 Street Glide with Big City Thunder baffles
YouTube - 08 Street Glide with Big City Thunder baffles