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Rinehart Slipons Popping

When I installed my pipes air kit and fuel pack and set it up as instructed and my bike ran great but I didnt like the way it just totally shut off fuel upon decel...It sounded like I hit the kill switch...:(..So I changed the program to give it more fuel on decel and it pops a little but I like it.I hope by doing this that its ok on my moter?..Also...To much fuel and it will back fire...Not good...HOOPLE ..I think your on the mark again ..:)
Not disagreeing,, just want to learn.

I hear the words often but someone plz explain to me why/how it works. To me adding fuel just encourages popping or worse,, even pushes you into the backfire zone. The couple of times I added fuel to reduce popping, it just made it worse to the point of backfiring. What is the theory behind increasing fuel during a throttle chop (whether it be looked at as a low map pressure or 0% of throttle). Is the theory to make it so rich, there is not enough oxygen for combustion to take place?

My way of thinking says I need fuel, oxygen and some form of ignition to cause popping. Ignition in the form of a glowing piece of carbon or metal will work just fine. Isn't it true that having popping due to an exhaust leak is not the same as being too lean without an exhaust leak.? So how would adding fuel stop it. Especially on a TBW EFI bike, (where 0% of twist grip is meaningless) I would expect terrible results by adding fuel.

Yes to your question Hoople. I found this idea on the forum when searching for issues I had with decel popping and I was skeptical until I tried it and it worked for me. I understand not every idea works to fix every issue but this one worked for me and may be worth a try for the OP? If it makes no improvement in the outcome it is easy enough to undue the change.

Here is a link to the thread where relxn88 explains it quite well starting with post #14.

At Wits End , Decel Popping/Backfiring - Page 2 - Harley Davidson Community
Here is a link to the thread where relxn88 explains it quite well starting with post #14.

Very Interesting. It does make sense in a strange way, doesn't it. :)
Now that I got the new LED headlight behind me, the next toy will be a set of slip on's. I don't want any popping and will do whatever it takes to get rid of it. It will be interesting to see which direction (rich or lean) works for me. Thanks for the Good info....
As far as it doing mechanical harm,,, I don't think there is any. To me the bike sounds "cleaner" if there is no popping. It's really only a personal preference. To me it indicates a properly tuned, clean running machine. But it is hard to rid a bike of ALL popping.

But I am sure there are several who are Ok with the sound.
Here we go again:D

In the OLD Days , farm flat beds and on highway rigs, CARBED.. would Pull their Chokes out a little to make sure when going Down a long grade against compression, they didn't Blow Off their mufflers.. Yes Too much fuel, rich mixture and no Oxygen to burn = No BANG....

Of corse Glider told me that as I'M Not old enough to Know things from That Long ago...:newsmile100:

I guess none of you guys came from the dirt bike world (hence my name). A leaking exhaust or lean carb will definitely cause a popping on decel. This a tell tale sign of troubleshooting a dirtbike or quad.

For those with a carb, this is pretty good reading:

How to Jet a Dirt Bike or ATV Carburetor Article on

...and yes, Bubbie, I've exploded a few mufflers by hitting the gas, turning off the ignition and then turning it back on.

Might add that I have the Rinehart slip ons and they are just too loud for my liking. Like them on the highway but not around town. Gonna try the stockers and see how I like them.
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Believe it or not, and this might not be your problem, but I was trying to tune some popping earlier this year w/my bike & discovered one of the end caps was loose (from factory). This was actually causing chirp/pop noises & after I tightened (both) everything's fine again...I did lean out my TFI a bit more too for added MPG. Check the end caps just to rule this one out.
I went down .5 from the factory settings on the first 3 GEN3 adjusters too. Took me from 38mpg to 41/42mpg and still very responsive.