Not disagreeing,, just want to learn.
I hear the words often but someone plz explain to me why/how it works. To me adding fuel just encourages popping or worse,, even pushes you into the backfire zone. The couple of times I added fuel to reduce popping, it just made it worse to the point of backfiring. What is the theory behind increasing fuel during a throttle chop (whether it be looked at as a low map pressure or 0% of throttle). Is the theory to make it so rich, there is not enough oxygen for combustion to take place?
My way of thinking says I need fuel, oxygen and some form of ignition to cause popping. Ignition in the form of a glowing piece of carbon or metal will work just fine. Isn't it true that having popping due to an exhaust leak is not the same as being too lean without an exhaust leak.? So how would adding fuel stop it. Especially on a TBW EFI bike, (where 0% of twist grip is meaningless) I would expect terrible results by adding fuel.