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Road Etiquette

Like others I'll just give a wave (agree with the too many interpretations comment earlier), back off the loud ones or pull over and get coffee and let them move on down the road.

Not to hijack your post....
Gotta agree with the comments about the cell phone commandos. Thinking of having a sticker made with 3" tall letters that reads "Hang Up [insert slang adjective here]" and put it at driver height on my tailgate.

The crotch rocket boys are also up there in the morons on wheels club as well. Nothing bright with those boys. A couple of years back had a couple pass me on the inside as I was making a right hand merge onto a 4 laner with a passenger on board. At the next light they're all like "what - that was wrong". Just a bunch of - I can't say it here, but I said it there - idiots!
On a ride by myself, seeing a group of 8 mixed bikes riding together in front of me.... I followed 'cause I was going the same direction.. Back country roads off the beaten path. It was fun KEEPING proper distance behind the group, seeing their different styles of riding..

I pride myself as a rider who can march and chew gum at the same time and adjust my cadence to match the situation of MOST other bikers.....

THIS group was all over the board and really were hard to follow EVEN at the distance I kept.
They were STRUNG-OUT for a 1/2 mile at times and I wondered IF they WERE together???

I took a twisty side road and was not MY intentions to beat them to the 4 way stop BUT DID.... I took my PROPER right turn way in front of them... EXPECTING them to pass me on the straight-away I stayed in the RIGHT 1/2 of my lane giving them room if they needed AND motioned with a SLOW low left hand signal that they were welcome to pass and COULD use my left 1/2 lane IF needed....I kept an eye for their move BUT none,,, They seemed to be just happy to keep up with the SMOOTH pace I set and WE looked like a group of BIKES marching in a parade.. They never crowded me but just rode along..

Then it dawned on me,,, the PROBLEM was not the GROUP it was WHO was out in-front that made the difference..
I peeled off on my different direction of my ride and waved a high 5 and let them go on their RACE against each other..

I can appreciate a good leader to ride with while on a ride in a group of bikes.......
I usually take the BACK (last) position as MY FAVORITE when riding two-up.

Usually ride by myself or one other bike is preferred... An occasional group ride only assure me that one or two bikes is the best and safest..

Same here just a nod I have come across a few unfortunate incidents where riders have taken a hand off the bars for one reason or another. I usualy pull over slightly to give them a bit more room whether they are approaching from the front or behind always best to ride defensively
He was probably just showing off a little , I would have slowed and given you a 2 fingers down wave.I always give the 2 fingers down wave.....have actually skint my knuckles a coupple of times.....LOL.
The crotch rocket boys are also up there in the morons on wheels club as well. Nothing bright with those boys. A couple of years back had a couple pass me on the inside as I was making a right hand merge onto a 4 laner with a passenger on board. At the next light they're all like "what - that was wrong". Just a bunch of - I can't say it here, but I said it there - idiots!

I hope you are not making a general statement about "crotch rocket" boys. There are some of us that ride sportbikes in addition to a harley. But then again, the same can be said about idiot harley riders, they're right up there on the moron list also.

I have found a solution to the cell phone commandos. I have a cell phone jammer that I use both in the car and one my bikes (sportbikes and harleys). It jams the cell frequencies and terminates any calls when they are within 150' of me.

Anyway, I tend not to motion unknown riders to use any part of the lane near me. Just like I would not have taken the OP up on the wave to use the left side of the lane. Too much can happen, too quickly. Remember, you can't use a portion of a lane that you have given up to someone else.
After reading your posts I guess it comes down to each situation. Approach with respect and caution. Pay attention to the rider and their ride style, their attitude will let you know if your welcome along side or not. May just be a case of inexperienced rider needing or wanting the use of the whole lane. I am still not comfortable ridding side by side at 55mph and up. Don't mind for short periods of time or at lower speeds.

Their will always be those who push their ability to ride, no mater what brand of bike they ride. I still remember my youth!!

Thanks for thoughts and opinions.:newsmile011:
I hope you are not making a general statement about "crotch rocket" boys. There are some of us that ride sportbikes in addition to a harley. But then again, the same can be said about idiot harley riders, they're right up there on the moron list also.

I have found a solution to the cell phone commandos. I have a cell phone jammer that I use both in the car and one my bikes (sportbikes and harleys). It jams the cell frequencies and terminates any calls when they are within 150' of me.

Nope no generalization on the "sport bike(r)" observation. Like every group there are a few, and those are the ones it was intended for. Although, everyone knows we as Harley drivers are perfect :s.

Nice! I looked into those, but they're illegal here in the U.S. with some pretty hefty fines if they catch you with one...the operative word being "if " they catch you.
I wave to all 2 wheel bikes and trikes. (except mopeds etc.) I try to act the way I wish to be treated, with courtesy. But there are jerks on any make of two wheels, them I ignore/avoid. I enjoy my seat time too much to let jerks upset me. I like the cellphone jammer deal, but then the person is trying to redial instead of just talking on the phone. No best case scenario IMO. Just try to stay safe.
I always ride staggered, do not like riding side by side. If I come up on a bike that I need to pass, I give him the same respect I give any vehicle and I wait until traffic clears enough and pass in the other lane and I expect the same from any bike wanting to pass me.

If a bike in front of me is too noisey for my liking, I either pass him or back off to a distance where the noise isn't so annoying. I figure it's his bike, if he likes it loud that's fine by me, I just don't want to have to listen to it. Must be getting

Me, too.