How did we survive riding back in the 70's? Some folks just aren't made for riding.
I can answer your question in a number of ways
Having ridden through the seventies, it is a mystery to me as to how we survived, when you look at the technology of tyres, handling and design and what was available back then, and we were so much younger and reckless.
Fitting a steering dampner to a Harley? why would a
rider want to do this?
A 2009 Road King in its standard form does not handle very well, it might be ok on those big old roads on your side of the pond, we have little roads with lots of twisties, so we demand more from a bikes handling on a daily basis.
If you ride your Road King at national speed limits you are unlikely to experience the problems I have experienced.
As an experienced rider I determined what I thought were 3 area's that could do with improvement.
1. standard shocks bottoming out 2 up, just not up to the job, so replaced them with Hagon classics, built to my specs for £130 - bargain, now the shocks are up to the job.
2. Dive on the front fork was excessive way too soft for my preference, set of progressive springs with gas shocks on the top, that fixed that!
3. Nasty wobble at +/- 80 mph, mainly in left hand bends (remmeber them)
So fitted a true track plate, this has stopped this wobble altogether.
My Road King handles well now, and is safer at speed, I am confident that my hard work in diagnosis and my years of riding experience played no small part in acheiving this. Help from forums like this is also invaluable, its good to know others are experiencing exactly the same problems.
So after all that why fit a steering dampner? Well it has proved a useful asset when passing lorries on motorways, or when there are strong wings about, it takes some of the buffeting out. It is rock solid in a straight line and can be coaxed through bends with "no hands", handy for phone texting at speed.:s
The great thing about this mod is that once fitted, it takes minutes to remove, so tends to be fitted for touring fully loaded rather than cruising.
My 1995 custom softail has no ground clearance, does not handle that well, and has no after market improvments to its handling, and thats just the way I like it...:s