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Rotten people out there

...and to think our "elected officials" want to dis-arm us. I will give up my guns when they pry my cold dead fingers from them.
alto is exactly right. The time is coming when people are going to say "enough".
I'm hope I'm alive to see it.
I truly believe that things are going to get far worse before it gets better. By that, I mean that crime is going to be rampant soon. Real nasty out there. It will go on for a short period and then the good and decent people will have had enough. Perps will face a very angry and very armed society. I do believe that many of us have had enough. We've followed the rules, worked hard all our lives and have been taken to the cleaners by thugs and politicians (just better dressed thugs). It will end. Not pretty, but it will end. I have found that I'm fresh out of compassion for the lawless , filthy, criminals. The Old West was quite tame. Everyone was armed and everyone was well aware of consequences of being a criminal. The few who pressed their luck, were dealt with quickly and permanently. If one doesn't want trouble, don't start trouble.

Indeed once again Canada is far from perfect. I spoke to my brother about my dads bad luck. Imagine stealing from an old man with very little money or memory. The police got involved and told my brother that they know that his neighbor steals from everybody at the park. One would think GREAT not so much they ( the cops) won't do anything about it because nobody caught him on film or they are too scared to testify. I wish we could carry up here. :57:
We have our liberal judges to thank for a lot of these type of problems.

We dont need more laws in this country we just need to INFORCE the ones we already have.

I'm sorry to hear this story but at least nobody was physically harmed. Best of luck.

I'm glad we can carry down here.
I have seen a few replies with various ways and places to store his files in the future, and they are all great. However, keep in mind that internet storage is great... until the server has an outage, your provider has an issue, or your modem dies the day before the file is due. And two good verified backups of your important data is the minimum, but all the backups stored in the same location make them virtually worthless (think house fire).

So the rule for really important data is.

One copy locally on your system.
One copy on removable media (thumb drive) locally.
One offsite copy (thumb drive with a friend, net, etc)

The poor man's backup is to get a webmail account (GMail, Yahoo, etc.) and email the file to yourself. That way it is on their server farm and if desperate you can walk a friend into logging into your account to get it.

Sorry the world is full of people that have no desire to work for what they want and need since they can just take it from those that did work for it. Good luck on getting it all complete on time.