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Running Light / Brake Light / Turn Signal Conversion Kit

I put the conversion on my 08 sporty and everything has been OK so far. Not alot of brightness difference but I like having all 3 lights on for visibility here in SC.
I added a kit to my 96 883. The turn signals are brighter especially if you add led bulbs. Just a quick note don't go to dealer for the bulbs find a truck stop or a trailer store and the will sell them for half the price. The turn signals also blink 3 times on mine and then stay on so it really helps out. I have a picture of my sportster on the introduce yourself at the top of the forum. It is under hey or busfreak. As for the saddle bags get a back pack if you just want it for your lunch or get some cheap throw over bags.

i am wondering what kit you used... i can seem to find for my 1996 sportster.
any help would be awesome... thank you.
