Rabid Ranger
Ok, went to gas station 1.5 miles away....running good. Shut down filled up, started and.....rear cyl no combustion...threw a code..rear cyl no combustion EFI code....
+1P1356 => no rear Ion current sensed under steady state engine load. This is not a code that is detected during start up. That code can stem from two reasons. Of course one is from no combustion in that cylinder due to no fuel, no compression etc. The other is from an open secondary circuit in the coil.
But you said you DO have spark (have seen spark) in the rear circuit. If you still have spark, my guess would be you have no fuel being injected. I am assuming a compression test of the engine would yield somewhat equal pressure from front to rear. With that said, my guess from a thousand miles away,, would be injector pig tails, injector itself, severely reduced fuel pump pressure, lack of ground shot from ECM for that injector,,, something along those lines.