Should be no problem. I had them installed in about a half hour.
I used some WD40 and a strap wrench to work off the stock pipes. Worked very good.
And new clamps is a good idea.
The thing with these type mufflers is that they have a wrapping around the baffle. As that wrapping gets burnt out the exhaust sound gets louder. Thus you have to rewrap the baffle with new bafflaling material. I went with the SC mufflers with the steel baffles.:TEXASIm sure the question has been asked but Would you guys recomend the 2.0" Slipons from Rush Exhaust for a 2007 FLHX Street Glide. I want a slip on that lets people no your coming/going but I dont want them to be obnoxiously loud where I always have to ride in the back. Any advice would be great also if you like a diff. pipe fill me in on your choice. ( I dont want Rinehart!)