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saggy bag kits

I sure would be interested in the type of pastic that was used on this transformation on the old saggy bags. I also have the heritage and also the saggy bags. Is the a pastic at is from the Home depot of from your local hobby store? Oh, and did you do an insert on the lid of the bags aswhile? And the epoxy used was leather friendly I hope.

To stiffen bags, I have used the nylon plastic full sheet inserts used in old 3 ring binders to stiffen my nylon tailpack (or you could use the covers themselves). I suppose if there is a sewing machine available, you could "pillow case" them if you or someone you know is handy...:D
Got mine on e-bay $43.00, well worth it. Could hardly buy the materials for that , let alone the time of cuting and adjusting. Ready for spring
It is much easier if one use water on the leather to really soften it up (sometimes better to just submerse the whole bag for an hour or two) , then re-shape and let it dry. Remember to then use leather food of some kind after it dried out again.
Might be a problem for you US folks this time of year with the cold weather, but in sunny South Africa we have no problem with the drying out.
I have been looking into this myself, My bags are still looking good after a year and a half and want to keep them this way.
My thought is to install them BEFORE they start to get Saggy. <Install Joke Here>
I found this website and think I am going to give them a try.Got Saggy Bags? Restoration Site

Has anyone else installed or seen them?
I soaked the bags on my softail for a few hours then put trashbags inside of them and filled the bags with sand, shaped and let dry. after they were dry used saddle soap to clean them and leather conditioner and polish. They look like new. Money spent "$0.00"

And by the way they were really nasty and saggy......
