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Salt Springs 2015

2 weeks to go and we will be on our way, hope y'all are getting ready and the weather warms up some more:D
I'm waiting for Geezer to get here.:small3d009: I'll probably need a day to let him thaw out, then head out.
Think of what it could be if you get some time off and make it here.
Think of what it could be if you get some time off and make it here.

wish i could..but i haven't been home for 4 months and the wife is prettier that you bunch...:tounge:tounge

plus i need to play with the old shovelhead :bigsmiley10::bigsmiley10:
wish i could..but i haven't been home for 4 months and the wife is prettier that you bunch...:tounge:tounge

plus i need to play with the old shovelhead :bigsmiley10::bigsmiley10:

Ha,ha,ha, you got that right lorne, it would still be good if you made it.

I'm ready, like Jack, I hope the weather warms some and no wet stuff, is that asking too much?