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Salt Springs 2015

getting into trouble and surprises are two different things :newsmile036::newsmile036: and i know you are experienced at both :D:D

You are a trouble maker HAAAAA, will miss you this year have a good time with The Latina:D
Are you guys giving your Wives a great Valentines Day gift by being away????
Or did you forget.................:sd

not sure dbmg, they might just be cheap and not want to buy a gift :newsmile108: as long as they make sure there is a back way outa there they should be alright..:bigsmiley10:
Grumpy is away for a 4 day trip this weekend and said there better be something hidden in her suitcase for her to open on Saturday
I have been warned

Grumpy is away for a 4 day trip this weekend and said there better be something hidden in her suitcase for her to open on Saturday
I have been warned


Keep her away from the rolling pin:p