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Salt Springs 2017

We made it...yay! I will say that cabin 24 is the best we have stayed. The view is good we'll demonstrate later. If any of ya'll are heading this way let us know thru the forum. Oh yea, bring food... and dare I say poison whiskey.. ha ha . We are heading to Daytona tomorrow! 2 down!!!!!
Glad you made it safely! Someday...I will be able to work this into my schedule. ;)
Was in Daytona today, but.... I was well west of main street at the shooting range. I tend not to go to bike week. Too many "cabin fever" riders make it not very enjoyable. I'm local, so tend to do other stuff. But we did ride the bikes to the range. In and out, riding the back roads. The weather was great, and the way we went the traffic was light.

We have a friendly competition set for next weekend. So I'll be in Daytona, but at the range again.
Hey SledDog I wonder if we passed each other by. We took SR19 to SR40 to A1A. Stopped at a watering hole called Mancini's where they had a bikini bike wash, (will post pics when I get back home, hope I don't get in trouble). We cruised or should I say puttered stop and go almost to the speedway, It just got way too crowded, did a yo-yo and headed back out. Stopped at Castaways in Astor for lunch, good food and brew. It was a great day for riding.
It was a great day for a ride. And I'll bet we did. The traffic on Speedway was very heavy. We plan being at the range when they open next Saturday. And should be back on the road by 11, maybe sooner. The traffic will be even heavier next weekend. We use a extra driver in a vehicle to transport long guns. But next weekend we may just jump in the truck. Getting anywhere during bike weekend is getting to be a crawl, instead of a ride.

Leaving the range we will probably go past the stadium, up to LPGA and back down I-95. Trying to get anywhere near I-95 and Speedway or points east takes well over an hour and a half.
Made it home yesterday, rain and cold almost the entire way glad we trailered, what happened to the warm temps. Saturday it was in the upper 70's. Here are some pics in Daytona and Kemo's memorial. We were the lone rangers this year, I read comments on keeping this going, so for next year it's needs suggestion's and commitment.

1 Kemo's Memorial, we brought him a cigar
2 the bike and Stacee's new truck
3 Mancini's on A1A
4 view out of porch
5 bikini bike wash babe


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Thanks Gator, I sure missed not being there. The pix are almost as good (not). I'll see you next year for sure and if I can I'm headed west this summer so maybe I'll catch you on the road.
Yeah, seems I have missed the bike years past. I hope I can make it next year as well. Too much on my plate this year. Glad y'all had a safe trip.
It was fun, never been to bike week before, not sure I'll go again, way too much traffic! But the ride through the forest made up for the traffic!!