Hi Breeze and everyone else. Yes I was in Amarillo TX 19" or snow. I was riding a tail wine and 66° weather from Tyler TX toward Amarillo and could see that front line in front of me. I wanted to stop and take a picture but Lorne wasn't there so I took advantage of 46+ MPG and drove right into it. 17 miles from Amarillo the wind turned straight into me and seem instaneously to turn my reserve light on. Did pull off to plug in as it was a good 30° plunge in temperature. 100 miles north they got very little, but even 3 days after the snow it was bad when I took off. The worst part was a car had hit black ice and the cops were there telling me to slow down. But it was a construction deal where you took the off ramp through an intersection and then up the on ramp (where the 4 wheel drive suv was) so I had to maintain some speed. Ruby was very unhappy with the situation but somehow I made it to solid footing. Had a truck behind me but he backed off and I could hear the cops saying there is no way that dude is coming out the other side. Gets the pucker going just typing it.