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Scary/Wild Ride last Night

well done
first time i had a back tyre blow was at 70 i ended up sliding down the motorway i was thankfull for the strength of leather that was in 1978 ive had a couple of blowouts since and stayed upright

Way to keep your cool.

I was driving down the interstate in my car and the car next to me was in the left lane with a concrete barrier to his left. I heard a BOOM! And the hood of his car had flown up and was laying across his windshield -- he couldn't see anything. He was real cool too. Didn't swerve or do anything rash, just a straight steady slow to get as far off the road as he could. Nerves of steel.

Glad you are okay.
I am glad you are okay. Nice job of handling the situation. Thank you for warning us. I know that at times I take riding for granted. This is a reminder to stay sharp and practice riding skills. Anything can happen at any time.
Glad you made it out of that nightmare without getting hurt. Way to drive! Kinda makes a guy think a little bit when he wants to squeeze those extra miles out of the tires:)
I was on the way home from work last night (dark) cruising down the Interstate about 65 - 70 mph. I was in the left lane and I had a concrete wall to my left and slower trafic to my right. I felt the back of my bike wobble just a little so I lifted off of the throttle a little and about the time I did the rear tire blow out! It kicked the backend of the bike around to my left big time. I tapped the front brake just a little then hit the throttle a little. After fighting with her for what seemed like ever but went by in the blink of an eye I was able to straighten her up and make it to the side of the rode without laying her down. Man you talking about something scary! I don't know it I rode over something or what. I'm going to look it over this afternoon to see if/what damage was done. Ride safe and always be ready for anything because you never know when something can happen!

Good job staying in control with the bike and saving it, especially at night. Just another reason most manufacturers and riders to improve the odds by riding bikes outfitted w/cast wheels and tubeless tires, less chance of sudden air pressure loss. Had only one "flat" while traveling, only a plug and ride kit was needed to get me back on the road in less than 1/2 hour.
I was able to look my bike over yesterday when I got home. I found that I had a peice of metal (looks like a small metal bar about 3/8 inch diameter) sticking out of the tire. I also found that I need a new rim. My rim being bent is better then me being bent from this little exciting ride.