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School Shooting in Newtown Ct.

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The entire incident is such an unspeakable horror. One can only imagine what is going through the minds of the families of the victims. One wonders, was it just fate, or, as some suggest the work of a very sick individual? Unfortunately, we live in a society that has a total lack of respect for anyone, anything, any institution, or any God. And how do you fix that? Pass a law? Ban guns? Those solutions only work for law abiding, sane people. God bless each and every one of those poor folks and their families.
The entire incident is such an unspeakable horror. One can only imagine what is going through the minds of the families of the victims. One wonders, was it just fate, or, as some suggest the work of a very sick individual? Unfortunately, we live in a society that has a total lack of respect for anyone, anything, any institution, or any God. And how do you fix that? Pass a law? Ban guns? Those solutions only work for law abiding, sane people. God bless each and every one of those poor folks and their families.

Well said.

Our thoughts and prayers go to the families and friends of the victims of this tragedy.:newsmile08: Let the names of the victims be the only names we remember from this. It would help if the media would stop repeating the name of the piece of garbage that made them victims. That only gives them notoriety and may spawn another to do something even more depraved.
All I can say is love & prayers to the families involved. May God bless them all in some way that we may never understand.
What is wrong with these people???

"The Westboro Baptist Church, the controversial group known for protesting outside funerals of slain U.S. service members, announced that it will picket a vigil for the victims of Friday's Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
Members of the Westboro Baptist Church say that America is being punished for its acceptance of gays and lesbians. In recent days, Phelps family members have sent tweets about the Connecticut shooting that have said "God sent the shooter."
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