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Securing the Seat

No, haven't tried it yet. Just got swayed by the talk of how easy it is to break the security of the bolts.
Still seems to be my best option though.

Not that big of a deal really, just make sure you use a Quality torx driver and dont loose it and you will be good to go, most fasteners are at least grade 5:D
Like the last line of my 1st post said. ANYTHING can be stolen. Most thieves are opportunists, and go for the easy target. Making a thief spend time and risk being noticed is what most theft deterrents are about. Then weigh cost against chance. Car/truck batteries are not as critically sized as motorcycle batteries. I could take a battery out of almost any car and put it in my car. Not so for a bike, they are more critical for size and post configuration. A $1 torx + seems like a good return. If you google "specialty fasteners" you can find something that no body has a tool for removing. But it will cost more.:newsmile040:
Harbor Freight sells a kit with around a dozen different sizes of those "special" torx bits, for under ten bucks. Hard to imagine a thief not having a similar set. Probably not worth wasting your time looking for the bolt.