The problem is, which is my problem, is that I am ignorant as to how all this stage I stuff works. I am going by what my dealer is telling me....Since I am not a DIY type of guy (lack of abillity, not lazyness) I am left to the whims of the professionals....As I have already mentioned me trying to put a TFI in myself will do alot more harm than good. Once again thanks for the info.
Naaaah! We are not talking about splitting the case and working on the guts of the beast! What Stage 1 is all about is letting the beast breath better. The high flow breather and a different set of pipes (actually slip-ons - the pipes stay where they are) allows MORE air to go into the engine, and more exhaust to come out. The idea is reducing the restriction and as I said above, letting the beast breath easier.
Swapping out the slip on cans ("mufflers") is a matter of taking off a couple of bolts on top and at the back of the cans that support them to the box frames. Then loosen a clamp at the front of each can and yank them off. New ones go on in the reverse order.
The high flow breather kits (Screamin Eagle or other) all replace the existing set up, but just require some simple basic tools to do. All of them come with simple instructions. Plus, with your HD Factory Service manual (send Gary12850 a pm to request yours) you can easily tackle this.
The last thing in Stage 1 is figuring out how to give the beast some more gas, because she is breathing more air and therefore needs more gas to go with the air. This is where the whole map download or fuel manager comes into play. All the options on this have pros and cons. Some have a lot more cons. For your purposes, the TFI seems to fit easiest. No dyno, something that you definitely can do yourself, and something that can be adjusted at anytime you like based on how the bike is behaving. Once you have found the settings that you like based on the way it is running, you do NOT need to fiddle with it. Forget about it! But if some day in the future you change something, YOU can adjust the TFI to get back to the way you like the bike to run.
This stuff above is easy! No need to fear it, in fact you will probably find it fun. Send Joyflyin a pm and ask her for her perspective.
Anyway, what ever you choose to do, read up on your options in the self-help sections. Our guru Glider has put a wealth of information out there that will give you much more value than someone trying to sell you what they have available!!
Cheers, and let us know what you do.