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Shall we talk President/CEO?

I think the MoCo should have hired Neutron Jack Welsh and let him get the focus back on the customers. At GE he held a meting and told management that 1/3 would keep their jobs 1/3 would get a raise and 1/3 would hit the bricks and based it in performance:bigsmiley18::small3d023:
Ceo's job is more to Manage those that do, not be the know it all thier self.
Sometime a Leader that is to tied up in the product is a bad thing.
CEO provides direction and should hold other accountable. We shall see.

That is exactly the response I would expect from a First Sargent. And, I concur 100% with the top. You da man!
We will just have to see how he does. I remember that Lee Iocca was with Ford for many years and took the helm at Chrysler, borrowed some money from the Feds and turned into a hero for the turnaround. This might work out. At least he is going to ride. :)
Just remember, motorcyclists are a minority and the movers and shakers who makeup the landscape ARE NOT MOTORCYCLISTS either. Management, finance and similar do not make a great company alone, BUT they keep the business alive setting up plans and achieving goals. Being an Engineer or Inventor alone with a good idea or top notch equipment does not make you a business, finance, or management genius, that is why they had to hire outside.

Smitty is right, give the man a chance...his core competence is not riding and living our HD lifestyle, so what? It is ability to select and manage a team over the next few months/years to turn a company that has been complacent, considered customer satisfaction/service as secondary, ran up expenses and did little up until recently to stop the bleeding, resting it's laurels on a failing businesss model, seeing falling ridership and sales, even before the economy melt down.

His job is simply to save that which we riders enjoy, what we currently call "our" two-wheeled life style of choice, for our children, future riders and long term growth and stability. I think being a competent rider or getting himself killed in the process over an incident (or accident to be precise) is not high on anyone's priority list right now. :coffee
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With hope this new CEO only takes up the fiscal aspects of HD versus tampering with the HD history where the brand design is concerned.
It seems the current mind-set in corporate management these days is that you need to have good leadership qualities, and not necessarily have the technical background to understand what your staff knows/does. If he surrounds himself with a leadership team that knows the motorcycle industry, this could be a very good move.

I wish Mr. Wandell well, and hope he makes a positive impact on the MOCO. A little "fresh blood" can always be a good thing.
It could also be a sign that a vein has been opened and profuse bleeding is about to occur!!
I would bet that the CEO of Boeing and Airbus don't fly aircraft.

The guy was hired for many many other reasons. Being a rider might have been a plus but I tend to think he has other skills that got him the job.

Now that he has the job he has a great perk (I would assume), his choice of any new HD free.

This is how I see it. I just hope he keeps the company on track and does not get any wild ideas
I I have heard about the New CEO, I wonder why He is not in the Auto Industry anymore or did one of the Big 3 Run Him Off and now he is coming to HD. It makes you wonder when you see these big companies replacing the CEO'S. I do not find find fault in the Companies, I blame the Government for all of this mess that is going in the Country with the Economy Today. We will have to see what happens, Time will tell.