Junior Member
I am glad to hear that you are OK thats the most important thing ! I got hit at a stop light on july 25 and I am still seeing a doctor on my back & the bike is still in the shop . Laws are different in all states but I would think that if there was no contact with her car then you have no claim on her insuance . Even though I was stopped at a stop light and was hit by her I have to have my insurance co pay for the damage to my bike & I have to pay the deductable & according to Mchigan law I can not sue her or her insuance co for reinbursment . I have filed a claim with her insuance co for the medical cost & I can sue for pain & suffering . Under Michigan insurance laws a motorcycle is not considered a motor vehicle , I still am trying to understand how the law makers came up with that , do a search on Michigan Insurance laws because it makes for some interesting reading & it shows you on how the insuance co can lobby the law makers & put the screws to the little guy .