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She cut across a MAJOR ride - I went down - have a question...

I am glad to hear that you are OK thats the most important thing ! I got hit at a stop light on july 25 and I am still seeing a doctor on my back & the bike is still in the shop . Laws are different in all states but I would think that if there was no contact with her car then you have no claim on her insuance . Even though I was stopped at a stop light and was hit by her I have to have my insurance co pay for the damage to my bike & I have to pay the deductable & according to Mchigan law I can not sue her or her insuance co for reinbursment . I have filed a claim with her insuance co for the medical cost & I can sue for pain & suffering . Under Michigan insurance laws a motorcycle is not considered a motor vehicle , I still am trying to understand how the law makers came up with that , do a search on Michigan Insurance laws because it makes for some interesting reading & it shows you on how the insuance co can lobby the law makers & put the screws to the little guy .
Glad to hear that you're OK.

One of the guys I ride with works for one of the major insurance companies and his advice to most people is not to run out and get a lawyer right away. Don't agree to anything from her insurance company without talking to someone with yours to see if the offer is fair. Getting an attorney only makes one thing for sure, he is getting 30% off the top before you get a nickle.

Judging from your post your pretty hot. Give yourself some time to cool down and think clearly.
I hope the wannabe lawyer stuff wasn't caused because of my comments. they were meant to be "a voice of experience" only, and NOT legal advice.

While speaking of legal advice... my lawyer is good.... and for me he is cheap. That rarely occurs nowadays, but I am lucky. I do favors for him, and send him other clients, so my bills are reasonable. I was sent to him on a client recommendation (and he apparently took it to heart), and we get along well. MOST lawyers take 30% off the top, and bump it up to 50% IF it goes to court. Mine stays at 30%, AND brings in other lawyers to help (and experts), and keeps his cut low. Again, lawyers are like mechanics and real estate agents, and plumbers, and anybody else you need to pay to get work done.... there are good ones, bad ones, and AWESOME ONES!

OP, my personal suggestion to you is to NOT make any decisions the first time anyone offers anything to you.... say that "You need to think about it" and offer to call them back in a few days. Talk it over with whomever you want, then do whatever YOU think is best. I trust my lawyer, so most everything goes through him....

Good Luck, and hope you feel better (all this talk of knee hurting has gotten my arthritis flaring up.... I almost couldn't even walk today!).

First, your o.k. Great. Second, if that happened here in Michigan, you'd be out of luck. It's a no fault state. Like said, if you didn't hit her, where is the accident. It would be very tough to get a ticket rewritten or a ticket isssued after the incident. You'll need a go after blood type of laywer. Good luck and glad you'll be back riding.
A medium-speed incident - thank goodness

thank goodness you're ok, could have been much worse. How fast were you guys going?

The column was moving at about 30mph when she cut across the road. I slowed down as fast as I could, but I was heading straight at her rear right quarter panel. With my limited injuries, I couldn't have been moving more than 10mph when I hit the ground.

She was cited with "failure to yield". I got an email from the police officer, who said that the driver "had seen a motorcyclist with his hand raised palm outward to her. She thought this meant for her to go..."

I kid you not.
Glad to hear you are ok! What surprise me is they did not total the bike. Damage includes a new frame, that by itself is $1800+. Usually, my experience, when that and the tins are involved the bike is totaled, 80% of trade-in value. I "discussed" with my ins. comp. for close to a year before I got what I thought was a fair value. Did'nt really matter since I was still recovering from the incident. So it looks like your making out in that department. Good luck! Hope everything goes well.
Capt. Jim
Like the rest of the members and as a fellow rider I'm glad you're O.K. Your incident reminds the rest of us that they're (IDIOTS) out there and that you always have to be on look out for em. Good luck with your legal issues and keep us posted, we all love pictures of new bikes.:bigsmiley16:
Glad to hear that you're ok. Give the wife a little time and don't push the issue with her too hard. Good idea to talk to an attorney so you can know all of your options.