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She did it!

Duffer, congrats to Janette for her choice of the 2009 Sporty...I am sure with a little saddle time she will make it hers. May want to add an EZ pull clutch mod to lighten pull a bit, and make sure all the controls are adjusted to fit...but other than that it is a nice ride "out of the chute" with the lowered suspension, big 4.5 gal tank...plenty of smiles per mile in that package for sure! :D
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Congratulations to Janette... my wife took the MSF course about three years ago and started out on a dual sport. She just graduated to an 09 1200 custom this year. She loves it. It was nice having her on the back but I kind of like having her beside me better, I know she's more comfortable.
Sportster are fine bikes
they handle well and are capable of staying with the big twins
so certainly a good bike to have
