Well......thought I would share my update.
I went in Saturday, took the ride again, ran the numbers, worked the trade, got the cost for Cat cut outs. In Texas, the dealer can still do it ( didnt know that). No other add-ons. Ya'll would have saved me about 3k.
My sales guy, a friend, was acting a little stand-offish......giving me a third eye look, like I had one. Momma still had her grin, but not beaming. My sales guy fianlly asked me......You aren't in to this are you? You like the bike, but you arent crazy about it yet. Momma told me: I can tell, its not in your heart is it. Sales guy, told me.......dont do it, walk away, come back when you love it. A million lbs off my shoulders. He'll have my future sales forever.
One kid getting married, the other has college coming and I love my RKC. Yep, it would have been nice, but no debt is nicer. I can still jump on the RKC and run 500 miles with great confidence. I'll slap a better seat on her and maybe a tour pack.......everyone happy.
Maybe later.......my heart just isnt in it right now. Again, THANK YOU for your great input...and subtle arm twists (ha). I'll write this off as a life lesson.
For now.......The Road King Rules