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Should I Change Oil?

The key here is of you anticipate long term storage, change all fluids first, any moisture, combustion deposits and acids left will not settle out onto low lying metal parts cause corosion or other hidden damage. It also means your cylinder walls are essentially dry, so any moisture trapped in there will cause light coating of rust, and disimilar metal contact acts like a battery, causing damage at the molecular level. Just good sense.
I'll change my winter maintenance routine to replace oil and filter when I put away for winter. But that doesn't mean if it's sunny and above 32, I won't be out on the road in January!
No the oil can not break down. The only concern would be if you went out and started it let it run shut it down. Doing this never allows the moisture to "cook out" of the oil that is why we say to park it plug in battery tend and do not start it up over the winter or storage time.
Lowrider I live in Wisconsin

I agree fully with the above statement, and I live in the Great White North!
No the oil can not break down. The only concern would be if you went out and started it let it run shut it down. Doing this never allows the moisture to "cook out" of the oil that is why we say to park it plug in battery tend and do not start it up over the winter or storage time.
Lowrider I live in Wisconsin

Words to live by when I lived in Minnesota, right on Smitty:s
Hmmm, I've never heard of such a thing. Oh maybe it's because I live in Florida and actually get to ride all year. Change my oil regularly.
Hmmm, I've never heard of such a thing. Oh maybe it's because I live in Florida and actually get to ride all year. Change my oil regularly.

Me Too , but had done some winter riding in Minnesota, rode new bikes home in February 1988 and again in 1992 cold but fun and a big smile too:p