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Should I wait

I seem to buy bikes on impulse i bump into a bike that really appeals to me and i buy it the last 6 were all bought with cash and i am currently saving for the next one because i never know when i will bump into a bike i must have so far i have not been disappointed with what i have bought

I just bought my first HD.... 2010 Fat Bob and $3400 off the price and over 50% off in clothing at the time of purchase :D

I had three colors I liked. Vivid black, black denim, and red hot sunglo. This fatty happened to be in red hot sunglo. The model fit me, I like the way it felt and I didn't care if it was a left over. I was told to never sell your first HD so im not. I'll buy a 2nd if I see something come out in 2012-13-14. :s

So just buy it! :newsmile01: