Gary, I appreciate the invite and would like to meet you too very much. If you were a bit closer, I would take you up on that offer for sure.
You sound excited to get to the dealership after school ends and I can understand why too. Just give it your best and I'm sure everything will turn out good for all concerned.
Had a 75 shovel,went to my dealer for a piece of wire to fix the tail light,came out with wire,AND my Wide Glide,orgasmic experience to ride faster than 60 and not get vibrated off the bike!!Sold the shovel,got some bling,never been happier!
Old Shovels & old riders get better with age with the proper maintainance.
My '81 Sturgis keeps up with the Evos and will run away from some. :bigsmiley20:
Shovelheads forever!!!
And nothing sounds as good as 2 shovels riding side-by-side... If you''ve ever done it, I'm sure you noticed the shovelhead thrum. For those that haven't, it's the sound of 2 shovelheads running at just about the same engine speed. The engines are just abut in sync, but just enough off to create what would best be called an echo between the 2 different motor sounds.
You can only hear it when 2 shovels are running side-by-side or in a short stagger. EVOs and Twin Cams don't do it. Just the shovels.
It's the one thing that AMF did right. They gave the shovels a soul. There's nothing else like it in the world.