I'm with bwalsh22. All depends on what is important to you. BB's are the king of email - they are great. If you are looking for apps, Droids are good, so are iPhones. I switched from a BB to a Driod X. I can live with the email on the Driod but it doesn't work as well as the BB (connecting to Exchange, the Driod works real well with Gmail). If web browsing is important - the Droid works better, you can also use it as a GPS, with turn by turn navigation via Google Maps - and it works really good.
I'm not a big Apple fan so I probalby will never have a iPhone (even when it makes it to Verizon) - just now starting looking at iPods... My Dell DJ Jr just isn't cutting it any more ;-)
Groundhawg, the problem with Apple is that they make a really great product and have really great customer support. :s Unfortunately for me, is that I have to pay top $$ for their products, but since I buy it and use it, and don't have to fight with it to make it work with anything else that is non-Apple, it is worth it to me.
Looked at Otterbox for the HTC Evo today...they are much cheaper in value than they used to be. Plastic is thin and cheap, made in china....won't get one. Very dissapointed,, My BB's Otterbox was made much better.
DD, I haven't looked at the newer Otterboxes since I have an inside job now & I'm not out in the elements. I have noticed that on the phones I do see in the OB's now are much smaller now, I guess they had to scale things down so the guys in the slacks could still slide the phone in their pockets, not the big beefy case that was proven to be bomb proof from a couple of years ago. Not sure I would trust the 'new' OB to the tests I put the old one through.