free website stats program smashed up my street bob | Page 3 | Harley Davidson Forums

smashed up my street bob

many thanks for your prayers. 45 years riding an driving and this was my 1st accident, and last ?? have a 1200c sporty in garage ready to roll its just getting these bones healed now.
take care all
many thanks for your prayers. 45 years riding an driving and this was my 1st accident, and last ?? have a 1200c sporty in garage ready to roll its just getting these bones healed now.
take care all

Good to hear u on the mend and a good attitude:s
Sorry to hear about that! It's a scary thing to even think about. Prayers up for you, stay positive and focused brother.

hi all just a update back at hospital today to have plaster off an wires pulled out decided now need to keep wires in for another 2 weeks. problems with collar bone might need to have a plate put in find out in 2 weeks after scans an x-rays.

ride safe